Geographical and Altitudinal Overview of Dharan Sub-Metropolitan City

Detailed Coordinates, Area, and Elevation Data of Dharan's Diverse Landscape


Geographical Facts

Dharan Sub-Metropolitan City is situated between latitudes 26°42′41″ and 26°52′42″ and longitudes 87°12′04″ and 87°21′23″. It covers an area of 192.61 square kilometers, with its altitude ranging from 119 meters to 1,778 meters above sea level. This diverse geographic range contributes to Dharan’s unique climatic and topographical features.


Dharan experiences an average minimum temperature of 5°C and an average maximum temperature of 37°C throughout the year. The city also receives significant rainfall, with an annual average of 2,626 mm, contributing to its lush green surroundings and diverse ecosystem.

सिमाना (Borders of the Municipality)
पूर्व (East) Kerabari Rural Municipality केराबारी गाँउपालिका
पश्चिम (West) Barahachhetra Municipality बराहक्षेत्र नगरपालिका
उत्तर (North) Sanguri Gadhi Rural Municipality साँगुरी गढी गाउँपालिका
दक्षिण (South) Ramdhuni Municipality, Itahari Sub Metropolitan City रामधुनी नगरपालिका, ईटहरी उपमहानगरपालिका

प्रशासनिक विभाजन (Administrative Division)
प्रदेश (Province) कोशी, Koshi
जिल्ला (District) Sunsari, सुनसरी
सदरमुकाम (District Headquarter) Inaruwa, ईनरुवा
प्रतिनिधि सभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र नं (Federal Parliament Election Area No.) 1 १
प्रदेश निर्वाचन क्षेत्र नं. (Provincial Election Area No.) क, ख
वडा संख्या (No. of wards) 20, २०


जनसंख्या (Population) १३७,७०५ १,६६,५३१
पुरुष (Male) ६४,६७१ ७८,४१०
महिला (Female) ७३,०३४ ८८,१२१
परिवार संख्या (Household) ३२,६९३ ४२,३९६
वार्षिक जनसंख्या वृद्धि दर (Population Growth Rate) १.८६%
जनघनत्व (Population Density per KM2) ७१५ ८६६

मतदाता संख्या
मतदाता संख्या (No. of voters) 74545 *
* According to National Election Commission (2014)
मतदाता संख्या (No. of voters) 100324 Male(47408) Female(52916)
* According to National Election Commission (2078)